EU Blue Card
Am I eligible for the EU Blue Card?
You are eligible when you are a non-EU citizen, and you have completed tertiary education and/or you have three years or more professional experience in the profession related to your profile.
Do I need an EU Blue Card to work in the EU?
Non-EU citizens who want to work in the EU always need a work permit.
You may not need a visa to enter the EU, but you always need a permit to work.
Citizens of the USA, Australia, Canada, Israel, Japan, New Zealand do not need a visa to enter Germany the purpose to work. -
I'm in Europe on a student visa, am I eligible for the EU Blue Card?
Upon completion of your studies, you may continue your stay in Europe on the EU Blue Card. Many European countries provide possibilities to stay in Europe for a number of months after graduation to orientate on the labour market.
Can the EU Blue Card provide permanent residency in the EU?
The time employed on the EU Blue Card, in various countries or in one, accumulates. After two to five years, depending on the country of residence, you can apply for permanent residency.
Can I work in another country as a permanent resident of an EU country?
You can work and live in another country for up to two years without losing your permanent residence status, provided you notify immigration services before leaving. For employment in that other country you still need a (temporary) work permit, such as an EU Blue Card.
Which European countries issue the EU Blue Card?
The following EU countries issue the EU Blue Card:
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden.
Ireland and Denmark do not issue the blue card. -
I live in a country outside of Europe; can I still apply for the EU Blue Card?
Your current location is not relevant. Applying for the EU Blue Card does not require your physical presence in Europe.
Who issues the EU Blue Card?
The immigration services of the country in which the employment and residence will be taken up.
What will my salary be in the EU?
The EU Blue Card directive proposes that the employer pays the card holder a salary of at least 1.5 times the average gross salary of the respective country. This is a 'rule of thumb'. There is an actual figure for each country, which is indexed yearly. Please contact support for the latest on this.
How successful is the EU Blue Card?
Quite successful actually. For example, in Germany the EU Blue Card makes up some 25% of all work permits issued. There is also a clear trend indicating other EU countries want to copy the German success by relaxing the conditions relateed to the EU Blue Card.
Are there any language requirements for the EU Blue Card?
There are no language requirements defined by the EU blue Card directive. It may be helpful to be able demonstrate a level of proficiency with a local European language, but it is not an obligation.
Can I travel throughout Europe with my EU Blue Card?
When your EU Blue Card is issued by a Schengen member state—which includes all Blue Card issuing countries except Cyprus—you can travel throughout the Schengen Area without needing a visa. The Schengen Area covers most European countries, but notable exceptions include the United Kingdom and Ireland. Always carry your passport when traveling internationally.
EU Blue Card Network - Candidates
For how long will my profile be active in the Network?
There is no end date. Your profile remains in the Network and you continue to have full access. To delete your profile, please send an email to support using your login email.
What does credential in my profile mean?
The EU Blue Card holder has to have a certain level of education or professional experience.
Credential verification gives potential employers confidence that the candidate meets the educational and/or professional qualities necessary to meet EU Blue Card eligibility, and demonstrates candidate's commitment towards continuing their career in the European Union. -
I have less than three years professional experience. Am I eligible?
Yes. You have either a minimum of three years professional experience or you have sufficient education. Having both is also possible of course.
Starting March 1, 2020, you're allowed to work in Germany having only two years of (verified) vocational training. -
What does employer views in my profile mean?
This is the number of times an employer or recruiter accessed your profile. This number is updated weekly.
Will turning down job offers have any consequences for my standing in the Network?
Candidates have full control over their responses towards job offers. It does not have any effect on any future interaction.
The submit application button is not active on the profile page. When will it be active?
When your profile is 100% completed the 'submit application' button is activated.
A completed profile activates the application submission functionality. Once activated, the submit application button remains active for five years. -
In my profile, what do you mean by leaving the date of availability to default?
If you are available for employment immediately, or within one month, you can set the date of availability to day/month/year; the first option of each date element.
How can I reset my password?
When an invalid password in entered, the login follow-up page will provide solutions to setting a new password.
EU Blue Card Network - Employers
I’m in need of qualified professionals, where do I sign-up?
Please find detailed instructions by clicking the employer tab on top of this page.
The advantages of the EU Blue Card for employees are clear, but what is my advantage?
EU Blue Card issuance is a fast-track procedure. It has 'priority' over alternative permits. The EU Blue Card directive urges European immigration services to complete the application process within three months. All that is needed to start the process is to present the candidate employee a job contract, or binding job offer, for the minimum term of six months.
Can I issue an employment contract while my candidate does not have a work permit?
Yes. Employers mitigate this chicken or the egg dilemma by adding the following line in their binding job (employment) offer:
'This contract shall enter into force upon issuance of a work permit (EU Blue Card)'.
The issuing authority is then assured the binding job offer will be a job contract upon issuance of the EU Blue Card. -
Can I send my employee temporarily to our branch office in another EU country?
A business trip is allowed, such as attending a meeting, seminar or workshop. When employment takes place in that other country, immigration services have to issue a work visa first.
How long does it take for an EU Blue Card to be issued?
When all conditions are met, issuance takes three months at most. Certain countries issue within weeks.
I have a question, how can I get in touch?
Please see our contact page for details - link in the menu above.
updated: January 14, 2025.